Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Pissed Off Pika

Yes ladies and gentlemen it was that kind of day. The day that makes you ask yourself why do I care so much? Well I guess it's because teaching has become my passion and is my soon to be career. I just don't understand why some people would take up the responsibility to educate kids when it seems like all they ever get is frustrated with them. Yes kids are hard, yes they need a lot of a attention but isn't that what people in this profession know before they go into it? Who knows the answer. Oh well. It's something to make me say, "This definitely goes into my book of what shit not to do."

Signing Off For Now

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pikachu, I FINALLY Choose You

So, here I am about 12 years later still talking about how much I love Pokemon. Some may find me childish, some may find me odd, but hell I finally just don't give a shit. I find myself constantly relating back to this time in my life because it was what got me through the good and the bad. I am BEYOND thankful for that. Pikachu's character was not only the mascot for the wonderful world of Pokemon but became the true heart and spirit of what life actually means. Crazy idea right? Not for me. He represents the light when there is darkness, he's the ying to my yang, the friend who is always there saying, "Hold On!" Well Pika, I held on therefore I am who I am today. I am this generations Pikachu. I am the one who will always be there for you when you're in need. I'm the light at the end of the tunnel. I am the one telling you to hold on because I did! So everyone I am more than happy to introduce myself. My name is Amber (Pikachu) Jade Fleming. I am the woman I've always wanted to be and more. Follow me on this journey of a blog that I now call home. A place to write my wildest stories and hope to inspire those to think outside the box! Goodnight dear friends, see you tomorrow.

Signing Off

P.S: The HPIC is back! Head Pika In Charge!