Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pikachu, I Still Choose You <3
I now have the pleasure to introduce to you the new Pokémon Champion, MissPikachuification! I graduated on May 11, 2013 with all my friends and family surrounding me and I can say it was a rewarding experience! I am going to take this time to actually feel pride in myself and give myself a pat on the back. 5 years ago I graduated high school, which was not meant to be. I then started college at UNM Taos to start my basics for a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. At this time I felt disheartened and wanted to drop out of college. Anyone can ask my friend Mew how bad I felt and the trials I went through. 3 years ago I moved to Las Vegas, NM and began my core classes at New Mexico Highlands University. I also fell in love with the man who would become my everything. Today, I am a college graduate from NMHU with two Bachelor Degrees, married to the man of my dreams, live in Phoenix, AZ, and am a hired teacher for a charter school. This Pika has done a lot with the help of friends and family. Most of all, I helped myself get out of a cycle that was meant to be my future. I am beyond happy for myself and the things I have accomplished! I set out to be just like Pikachu, the light at the end of the tunnel; the one you can always turn to for encouragement. I did it Pika fans and so can you! This is who  I am and the woman I was always meant to be. So in closing, this will be my last entry for this blog for I will be starting a new one filled with upcoming new adventures. Remember when you need someone, I'll always be there to hold you up. I love you all for your support <3

Love Always and Forever,


"Sing with me, if it's just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away."

Sunday, April 21, 2013

About to Defeat the Elite Four! (College)

So here we are, stuck in the middle of an intense Pokemon Battle and this Pikachu needs a revive and quick! MissPikachuification used Thunder! BAM! I've got them on the run but suddenly Student Teaching uses a Full Restore, damn it! This extreme battle will continue on for another two weeks. That's it ladies and gents, I only have two more weeks of Student Teaching left and Mr. Pikachuification and I will be graduating college! This experience has been extreme and excruciating but we made it! The Mr. will have his BBA in Business Management and I will have my Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Special Education! You heard me right, I'm graduating with two Bachelor Degrees and believe me it was worth it. Aside from all the drama and bull crap you have to deal with here at the Education Department, I believe I have learned so much about myself and will strive to be the best teacher I can be. I come from a long line of teachers in my family, I hope I can make everyone proud. I honestly have to say, I'm going to miss everyone when I leave from here. I love the people I've met and am so grateful for everything they have done for me and taught me but it's time for me to go. This Pika is getting ready to start a new adventure. My time here in New Mexico (Kanto) is over, my journey in Arizona (Johto) is about to begin. Keep in touch Pika fans and I will blog again when the epic battle is over <3

Love always,


Song of the month: <3

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I AM NOT DEAD. I just grew up.

MissPikachuification is back in the building ladies and gentlemen and she is not going any where. I can tell you right now that this experience of student teaching has been one that I will never forget. I appreciate everything that my cooperating teachers have done for me and the joy I get from the students which I will hold close to my heart. Other than all the joy I receive from it, I also have gained a sense of the slap in the face reality. I spoke to my friend whom I shall name on here Jake, and we spoke of how much life has changed for the both of us. Both of us becoming professionals in the world along with the challenges of heart break and empty pockets; I think overall we're doing right by us. Yet we question, where has our childhood gone? What happened to the days of being crazy and free? Well in my opinion, I still believe we're crazy as hell and free but with more restrictions because of our professionalism. I just want that feeling back. I want to feel that utterly loving and wild child soul I have deep down within me. So the time is nearing Pika fans, I am here to announce that I AM NOT DEAD, I just grew up. It's time to bring back that lust for life and drive to finish out my final semester of college and become a graduate with two BAs in Elementary Education and Special Education. Like Jake always said, "When I'm at school I am your teacher, but when you see me outside these walls, I am just like any other person out there." So be ready world because Pika is back in action and ready to live out her eventful 20's as a professional and as a kid <3 It's time to get less serious and enjoy my life in which I have created for myself.
Time changes all but the more things change, the more they stay the same. 
(Roar of Time) 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Professor Pikachu

Hey there all! So I am currently on my third week of student teaching and let me tell you it's been a rewarding experience. There are so many things that I am learning and getting to understand that my college courses just couldn't describe well. I now know that this is for sure my profession and I am proud to call it my own. I would have to say that this semester has been already through many ups and downs. Between juggling work, class, and married life, I come to find I have become quite the adult. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was small, playing Pokemon video games on the couch while watching tv..... wait that's still me lol. I guess no matter how much I age, I will always still be me. Through upcoming events of having a career and wanting to have children in the future, I will always still be the young Pikachu who picked up a Pokemon Yellow game and has since never stopped loving the feeling of my own freedom. Hey, I hate to say it but not only did my Gameboy Color and my Pokemon games help me learn to read, but it taught me to think of myself and think strategically at that so thank you Game Freak!!! I don't feel I will ever lose my inner child even though I see my own student's playing the Pokemon Trading Card game O . o It surprises me at times now, seeing all my classmates all grown up and having families of their own and seeing my best friend half way through his first year of professionally teaching. So proud of him! It makes me wonder where am I going to be in the next five years? Where do I  see myself? All I can do is assume and hope for the best. Welp I'm not going to try and think of that right now I still have to pay a butt load of money for my teaching license lol. For all my teachers out there, I commend you! And shout out to my high school teacher, Mrs. Adams. I really couldn't have done this without her help and encouragement. She's the reason I went into teaching in the first place... I'll make you proud Mrs!

Love Always
Miss Pikachuification

Raise Your Weapon in times that you know will be rough! Don't stop fighting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feeling Like One Badass Chu

Ladies and Gents, your one and only favorite Pika is back. Did you miss me? I sure did, this was one hell of a ride this semester. I'm almost free, with two more finals to be done tomorrow. Today was sad. I had to leave my co-workers/friends cause it was my last day at work. I sure am going to miss my kiddos and all the good times and laughs. It always makes me wonder where my hitos are going to be ten years from now and if they'll even remember me. But hey we'll see right? On top of that, the issue with my Depo shot has finally been solved due to cleansing my body. You know it's one thing to try and not have kids but it's another to put your body through such hell so you don't. That shot was the worst thing that ever happened to me, never will I go back on it again. It might work for some people but not for me. I would like to keep my fertility for when I do want my kiddos with Mr. Pikachuification. I do feel on top of the world right now. I've been approved for student teaching, at two different schools mind you. This is certainly going to be a good experience for me, I can feel it! Plus student teaching at two different schools will look pretty good on my resume. Ready to start a new life with my husband! We're both graduating in May and more than likely going to head out to the sheer hotness of Phoenix, Arizona! Can't wait, it seems like everything was falling apart before but I guess that has to happen in order for things to come together, like a puzzle! Well my dear Pika fans, I have a month off before I return to school so I'll be keeping in touch more often. Stay safe and I'll see you on the flipside!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification <3 

P.S: Don't stop believing *** Inside Secret ;   ) 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Don't Worry, This Pikachu Is Still Alive!

Hey there Pika fans! I am back and in action! From my last post, I updated you all on how I was feeling icky, yucky, and terrible right? Well I think the side effects of the shot have finally come to a close and it's officially out of my body. So yay to being natural! Also, come to find out that I did not gain the weight I originally thought I did so that's an even better plus. I am still a steady weight of 182 and am going to continue losing the weight. The other day I tried on a pair of jeans that I hadn't wore in about 2 years and they fit! OH YEAH! I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and I'll be just fine. The semester is coming to a close and I'm extremely excited about my student teaching next semester! I can't believe how far I have come since I first started college. I plan on continuing on with my education by going to grad school and getting my Masters in Counseling :) This Pika is always trying to one up herself. As for my lovely other half, Mario will be graduating with his BA in Business Management and even more awesome, he wants to apply to Law School! I am so proud of our little family :) We're striving for the best we can and I couldn't be happier! Two more weeks of school and Fall 2012 Semester will finally be over, thank God O.o I'll keep you more updated in the next few weeks so stay tuned everybody!

MissPikachuification <3

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Change in Weather, Mind, Body, and Soul

Hey there Pika fans! So I'm back and with some interesting turn of events. So far with my hair growth I have seen now a full inch in hair growth just a week after my 30 day hair care challenge ended. I'm still wearing my hair with its natural curls and I think I'll keep it that way until I feel like it lol. I have since straightened my hair once and it looks amazingly long and beautiful but after a few hours of it being straightened, it ended up becoming thin and unhealthy once again so I made sure not to put any heat on it since. Along with my hair growth, I have some news to report on my weight loss. Within one weekend I supposedly gained 5lbs. So I'm sitting here thinking what in the hell did I eat that weekend,  I didn't stop working out but I had been feeling even more sluggish than before. I have finally come to the conclusion that it must be my Depo shot. I got the Depo shot the last week of August and was feeling fine for a whole month. Then all of a sudden my hormones just went out of whack. One minute I was happy the next I was crying, I've had nights where I'll stay up all night and all morning and never getting a wink of sleep. Worrying about things that I shouldn't even be worrying about. I felt like a hot mess and believe me I still do. Knowing that I had weight gain, feeling like I'm going out of my mind and also my body feeling deteriorating in health and bone mass, made me want to hide away from the world. I will say it again I will never go on this shot ever again it's not worth my health and my sanity for that matter. I got on it because it was the only form a birth control that was consistent and didn't have as many side effects like the pills I was on. Well this shot proved me the hell wrong so come time for my second shot you best believe I will NOT be going back for it. I will find something that works for me instead and finally get all these hormones out of my body that are just not natural. This has just been the worst feeling I could have ever experienced on birth control. I feel sorry for my husband cause he has to deal with me :/ Other than all of this Pika fans I am still alive and well and hoping to get back on track with everything. School is going very well, just finished up my midterm exams and am awaiting for the completion of my Student Teaching Application! Yay! If you guys have any questions on anything that I have discussed tonight please feel free to comment. I'm more than happy to answer them :D Have a great rest of the week and rest up college students!

Love Always,