Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shedding the Baby Pika Fat ;)

Pika has hit the gym hard ladies and gents! Aside from my awesome vacation in the city of SIN, I have been working my little yellow lightening butt tail off! I even bought me some work out clothes! Every day even before the semester had started, I have been at the gym working hard on cardio and leg strengthening. I can tell you my experience so far has been the roughest yet most fulfilling I have ever done in my life. And no I have yet to weigh myself because I'm planning on doing so next week on Friday morning and again it's not about losing the weight; it's about losing the fat! So truth be told I honestly feel like this:

I felt heavy and you'll never guess how heavy.....kinda like a Snorlax O.o no just kidding but I did almost weigh 200lbs....yeah shocking right? I was 197 and before the weight gain I was 150. I am not ashamed to tell my story or reveal my previous weight cause guess what, I'm doing something about it and it's what matters for my health and to me no one else. BUT I do plan on helping and inspiring others and if anyone has any questions know that this Pika is here for you till the end. I am not embarrassed, I have come such a long way that I can fit into pants that I wore 2 years ago. That's how great I feel, plus I have ooodles of energy. My current weight is 184, -13lbs and I believe I have gone down a lot more since this was two weeks ago that I weight myself. The key to all of this is creating a goal and getting off the couch and saying, "I'm headed to the gym." It takes a few times to go but then when you miss, there is a piece of you missing with it. It almost just becomes habit. So you're all probably curious as to how I gained that much weight in 2 years so here it goes. 

1. Depo Shot (Birth Control for those who don't know)
2. Cafeteria Food (This is MANDATORY for those who lived in the dorms) 
3. Lack of Exercise (Even walking sucked so bad : / )
4. 21st Birthday..... (Yea one to many drinks with too much salt intake made me swell like a balloon) 
5. Self Conscious, yes self conscious. I remember in high school I didn't give two shits of what anyone had to say about me, my style. or my weight, I was happy and I am again now :D 
6. And over all being a LAZY ASS.... there is just no excuse for this crap 

Now that we have that out of the way, I can finally say that my goal can be within my reach before Student Teaching in the Spring. My goal is to get into the 150's again. It doesn't have to be exactly 150 but around there would be awesome. This weight was the best ever for me, I had a lean body but still kept my amazing physique and rack ;) 

So please do ask me questions and if you all comment and request it, at the mid point of my journey I will post a before and after picture. No instragraming type shit, just normal slouching with fat and all :D Again not embarrassed. Also if you want to hear more on my hair growth and get an update with tips and tricks on that, tune in next time Pika fans. Again I adore each and every one of your views, because without you, there would be no Miss Pikachuification. Good night all and see you soon! 

Love Always
Miss Pikachuification <3 
P.S: Here is my most favorite song when I'm doing cardio. Once I hear this song I hit that treadmill like a beast, running non stop baby! Don't Hold Back by The Sleeping! Enjoy