Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Don't Worry, This Pikachu Is Still Alive!

Hey there Pika fans! I am back and in action! From my last post, I updated you all on how I was feeling icky, yucky, and terrible right? Well I think the side effects of the shot have finally come to a close and it's officially out of my body. So yay to being natural! Also, come to find out that I did not gain the weight I originally thought I did so that's an even better plus. I am still a steady weight of 182 and am going to continue losing the weight. The other day I tried on a pair of jeans that I hadn't wore in about 2 years and they fit! OH YEAH! I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and I'll be just fine. The semester is coming to a close and I'm extremely excited about my student teaching next semester! I can't believe how far I have come since I first started college. I plan on continuing on with my education by going to grad school and getting my Masters in Counseling :) This Pika is always trying to one up herself. As for my lovely other half, Mario will be graduating with his BA in Business Management and even more awesome, he wants to apply to Law School! I am so proud of our little family :) We're striving for the best we can and I couldn't be happier! Two more weeks of school and Fall 2012 Semester will finally be over, thank God O.o I'll keep you more updated in the next few weeks so stay tuned everybody!

MissPikachuification <3