Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feeling Like One Badass Chu

Ladies and Gents, your one and only favorite Pika is back. Did you miss me? I sure did, this was one hell of a ride this semester. I'm almost free, with two more finals to be done tomorrow. Today was sad. I had to leave my co-workers/friends cause it was my last day at work. I sure am going to miss my kiddos and all the good times and laughs. It always makes me wonder where my hitos are going to be ten years from now and if they'll even remember me. But hey we'll see right? On top of that, the issue with my Depo shot has finally been solved due to cleansing my body. You know it's one thing to try and not have kids but it's another to put your body through such hell so you don't. That shot was the worst thing that ever happened to me, never will I go back on it again. It might work for some people but not for me. I would like to keep my fertility for when I do want my kiddos with Mr. Pikachuification. I do feel on top of the world right now. I've been approved for student teaching, at two different schools mind you. This is certainly going to be a good experience for me, I can feel it! Plus student teaching at two different schools will look pretty good on my resume. Ready to start a new life with my husband! We're both graduating in May and more than likely going to head out to the sheer hotness of Phoenix, Arizona! Can't wait, it seems like everything was falling apart before but I guess that has to happen in order for things to come together, like a puzzle! Well my dear Pika fans, I have a month off before I return to school so I'll be keeping in touch more often. Stay safe and I'll see you on the flipside!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification <3 

P.S: Don't stop believing *** Inside Secret ;   )