Saturday, March 30, 2013

I AM NOT DEAD. I just grew up.

MissPikachuification is back in the building ladies and gentlemen and she is not going any where. I can tell you right now that this experience of student teaching has been one that I will never forget. I appreciate everything that my cooperating teachers have done for me and the joy I get from the students which I will hold close to my heart. Other than all the joy I receive from it, I also have gained a sense of the slap in the face reality. I spoke to my friend whom I shall name on here Jake, and we spoke of how much life has changed for the both of us. Both of us becoming professionals in the world along with the challenges of heart break and empty pockets; I think overall we're doing right by us. Yet we question, where has our childhood gone? What happened to the days of being crazy and free? Well in my opinion, I still believe we're crazy as hell and free but with more restrictions because of our professionalism. I just want that feeling back. I want to feel that utterly loving and wild child soul I have deep down within me. So the time is nearing Pika fans, I am here to announce that I AM NOT DEAD, I just grew up. It's time to bring back that lust for life and drive to finish out my final semester of college and become a graduate with two BAs in Elementary Education and Special Education. Like Jake always said, "When I'm at school I am your teacher, but when you see me outside these walls, I am just like any other person out there." So be ready world because Pika is back in action and ready to live out her eventful 20's as a professional and as a kid <3 It's time to get less serious and enjoy my life in which I have created for myself.
Time changes all but the more things change, the more they stay the same. 
(Roar of Time)