Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feeling Like One Badass Chu

Ladies and Gents, your one and only favorite Pika is back. Did you miss me? I sure did, this was one hell of a ride this semester. I'm almost free, with two more finals to be done tomorrow. Today was sad. I had to leave my co-workers/friends cause it was my last day at work. I sure am going to miss my kiddos and all the good times and laughs. It always makes me wonder where my hitos are going to be ten years from now and if they'll even remember me. But hey we'll see right? On top of that, the issue with my Depo shot has finally been solved due to cleansing my body. You know it's one thing to try and not have kids but it's another to put your body through such hell so you don't. That shot was the worst thing that ever happened to me, never will I go back on it again. It might work for some people but not for me. I would like to keep my fertility for when I do want my kiddos with Mr. Pikachuification. I do feel on top of the world right now. I've been approved for student teaching, at two different schools mind you. This is certainly going to be a good experience for me, I can feel it! Plus student teaching at two different schools will look pretty good on my resume. Ready to start a new life with my husband! We're both graduating in May and more than likely going to head out to the sheer hotness of Phoenix, Arizona! Can't wait, it seems like everything was falling apart before but I guess that has to happen in order for things to come together, like a puzzle! Well my dear Pika fans, I have a month off before I return to school so I'll be keeping in touch more often. Stay safe and I'll see you on the flipside!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification <3 

P.S: Don't stop believing *** Inside Secret ;   ) 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Don't Worry, This Pikachu Is Still Alive!

Hey there Pika fans! I am back and in action! From my last post, I updated you all on how I was feeling icky, yucky, and terrible right? Well I think the side effects of the shot have finally come to a close and it's officially out of my body. So yay to being natural! Also, come to find out that I did not gain the weight I originally thought I did so that's an even better plus. I am still a steady weight of 182 and am going to continue losing the weight. The other day I tried on a pair of jeans that I hadn't wore in about 2 years and they fit! OH YEAH! I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and I'll be just fine. The semester is coming to a close and I'm extremely excited about my student teaching next semester! I can't believe how far I have come since I first started college. I plan on continuing on with my education by going to grad school and getting my Masters in Counseling :) This Pika is always trying to one up herself. As for my lovely other half, Mario will be graduating with his BA in Business Management and even more awesome, he wants to apply to Law School! I am so proud of our little family :) We're striving for the best we can and I couldn't be happier! Two more weeks of school and Fall 2012 Semester will finally be over, thank God O.o I'll keep you more updated in the next few weeks so stay tuned everybody!

MissPikachuification <3

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Change in Weather, Mind, Body, and Soul

Hey there Pika fans! So I'm back and with some interesting turn of events. So far with my hair growth I have seen now a full inch in hair growth just a week after my 30 day hair care challenge ended. I'm still wearing my hair with its natural curls and I think I'll keep it that way until I feel like it lol. I have since straightened my hair once and it looks amazingly long and beautiful but after a few hours of it being straightened, it ended up becoming thin and unhealthy once again so I made sure not to put any heat on it since. Along with my hair growth, I have some news to report on my weight loss. Within one weekend I supposedly gained 5lbs. So I'm sitting here thinking what in the hell did I eat that weekend,  I didn't stop working out but I had been feeling even more sluggish than before. I have finally come to the conclusion that it must be my Depo shot. I got the Depo shot the last week of August and was feeling fine for a whole month. Then all of a sudden my hormones just went out of whack. One minute I was happy the next I was crying, I've had nights where I'll stay up all night and all morning and never getting a wink of sleep. Worrying about things that I shouldn't even be worrying about. I felt like a hot mess and believe me I still do. Knowing that I had weight gain, feeling like I'm going out of my mind and also my body feeling deteriorating in health and bone mass, made me want to hide away from the world. I will say it again I will never go on this shot ever again it's not worth my health and my sanity for that matter. I got on it because it was the only form a birth control that was consistent and didn't have as many side effects like the pills I was on. Well this shot proved me the hell wrong so come time for my second shot you best believe I will NOT be going back for it. I will find something that works for me instead and finally get all these hormones out of my body that are just not natural. This has just been the worst feeling I could have ever experienced on birth control. I feel sorry for my husband cause he has to deal with me :/ Other than all of this Pika fans I am still alive and well and hoping to get back on track with everything. School is going very well, just finished up my midterm exams and am awaiting for the completion of my Student Teaching Application! Yay! If you guys have any questions on anything that I have discussed tonight please feel free to comment. I'm more than happy to answer them :D Have a great rest of the week and rest up college students!

Love Always,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shedding the Baby Pika Fat ;)

Pika has hit the gym hard ladies and gents! Aside from my awesome vacation in the city of SIN, I have been working my little yellow lightening butt tail off! I even bought me some work out clothes! Every day even before the semester had started, I have been at the gym working hard on cardio and leg strengthening. I can tell you my experience so far has been the roughest yet most fulfilling I have ever done in my life. And no I have yet to weigh myself because I'm planning on doing so next week on Friday morning and again it's not about losing the weight; it's about losing the fat! So truth be told I honestly feel like this:

I felt heavy and you'll never guess how heavy.....kinda like a Snorlax O.o no just kidding but I did almost weigh 200lbs....yeah shocking right? I was 197 and before the weight gain I was 150. I am not ashamed to tell my story or reveal my previous weight cause guess what, I'm doing something about it and it's what matters for my health and to me no one else. BUT I do plan on helping and inspiring others and if anyone has any questions know that this Pika is here for you till the end. I am not embarrassed, I have come such a long way that I can fit into pants that I wore 2 years ago. That's how great I feel, plus I have ooodles of energy. My current weight is 184, -13lbs and I believe I have gone down a lot more since this was two weeks ago that I weight myself. The key to all of this is creating a goal and getting off the couch and saying, "I'm headed to the gym." It takes a few times to go but then when you miss, there is a piece of you missing with it. It almost just becomes habit. So you're all probably curious as to how I gained that much weight in 2 years so here it goes. 

1. Depo Shot (Birth Control for those who don't know)
2. Cafeteria Food (This is MANDATORY for those who lived in the dorms) 
3. Lack of Exercise (Even walking sucked so bad : / )
4. 21st Birthday..... (Yea one to many drinks with too much salt intake made me swell like a balloon) 
5. Self Conscious, yes self conscious. I remember in high school I didn't give two shits of what anyone had to say about me, my style. or my weight, I was happy and I am again now :D 
6. And over all being a LAZY ASS.... there is just no excuse for this crap 

Now that we have that out of the way, I can finally say that my goal can be within my reach before Student Teaching in the Spring. My goal is to get into the 150's again. It doesn't have to be exactly 150 but around there would be awesome. This weight was the best ever for me, I had a lean body but still kept my amazing physique and rack ;) 

So please do ask me questions and if you all comment and request it, at the mid point of my journey I will post a before and after picture. No instragraming type shit, just normal slouching with fat and all :D Again not embarrassed. Also if you want to hear more on my hair growth and get an update with tips and tricks on that, tune in next time Pika fans. Again I adore each and every one of your views, because without you, there would be no Miss Pikachuification. Good night all and see you soon! 

Love Always
Miss Pikachuification <3 
P.S: Here is my most favorite song when I'm doing cardio. Once I hear this song I hit that treadmill like a beast, running non stop baby! Don't Hold Back by The Sleeping! Enjoy

Sunday, August 26, 2012

This Pika Needs a Better Groomer!!

So lately this Pika has felt the need to feel extremely embarrassed of her hair. I use to have such long beautiful locks until I got a wild hair up my ass to cut it. I didn't cut it much so it grew back ten times as healthy and fast. Two years ago I wanted to get my hair re layered because the layers had already grew out. Never would I have ever known that this would be the worst mistake. Two years later today my hair has not grown out an inch. It actually seems even shorter to me now but that might just be my insecurities taking over. I have finally decided to take a 30 days challenge in which I will not use any styling tools on my hair, aside from my bangs because not matter how much I damage those suckers they seem to grow back fast. I will not apply any heat to my hair for 30 days, this includes the crown and the length of my hair. I pray by doing this and taking daily multivitamins including Biotin which is great for nail and hair growth, will help my hair get back into tip top shape. Along with my daily exercise which I am totally kick ass on, and drinking a lot of water, I feel this will be a great experience for me and my health. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help with my hair growth. I would love to hear from you my adoring Pikachu fans! You're opinions mean a lot to me because if you weren't reading, then all this wouldn't be worth my while. Miss Pikachuification needs help!!!! SOS! See you soon Pika fans!!!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification 

Friday, August 17, 2012

The People's Champ is Back!

FINALLY, THE PIKA HAS COME BACK TO Fall Semester 2012! I am back and with a new attitude everybody. Since my last post I have fixed so many things that were going wrong. I got rid of the job I was at and am going back to where I belong the most, working in the classroom! I'm ready for the year's challenges and obstacles. I'm excited to know that by the end of the semester I will be fit, healthy, and soon to be student teaching in Elementary Education and Special Education. This Semester's endeavors will include: Working Out, Working at the NMHU Child Development Center as Assistant Teacher and hopefully Substitute Teacher, Taking my Special Education NMTA, Taking SPED 430, SPED 490, and doing some research on The Transition Stage for Students with Severe Disabilties. Yup I have a great line up this semester. I know everything will go well! I can't wait Pika Fans! Get ready world, Miss Pikachuification won't be brought down! I can't wait to see my student's again! Welcome back everybody, let's rock it out!

By the way here is a video of Dwayne the Rock Johnson for your viewing pleasure, enjoy ;D

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification

Saturday, August 11, 2012

This Pika Ain't Nobody's Bitch!

Haven't you ever just wondered what goes through a selfish person's mind? What makes them so power hungry and why don't they realize what they are doing? I've been asking myself this for a while now and the only answer I can come up with is they like to feel as if everyone around them is beneath them whether it be a work status, money status, etc. They're just power driven people. I don't understand it. I have been tossed and thrown back and forth at work and believe me I'm getting pretty damn tired of it. I am a work study student, which means I don't do major work, but that all changed. I have been isolated from my co workers, I have been told not to speak to others for the fear of getting in "trouble." Honestly I am not some 12 year old girl to be pushed around. Also it's one thing for them to tell me what to do but it's another to tell my family what to do. Now that just blew my top, you do not fuck with my family. I have come to the conclusion that this town has very few good people and a shit load of ugly, nasty, horrible, rude people. I hope I can find my way through this last year of college because I'm starting to have that I don't give a fuck attitude with everyone who gets in my way. Is that bad? This Pika doesn't seem to think so. Keep me in your thoughts Pika fans, I would really love some advice especially now that I need it. The next time you read my blog, I will have changed this situation and let's see how it turns out. See you next time!

Love Always,

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pika's on a Health Kick!

Time to eat healthy! This Pika wants to get in shape and be in good health! Lately I have been hitting the gym along with hiking Hermit's Peak in Gallinas, NM. I looked at myself in the mirror today and I felt so much more confident and lively. My goal is to lose 40lbs before I begin my student teaching this coming spring. So the pressure is on my dear Pika fans. It's not so much just losing the lbs it's about losing the body fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Before I lost 10lbs I was beyond sluggish and exhausted all the time. Now that the weight has dropped I feel more upbeat and ready for the day, well sometimes lol. I'm excited to start this journey and can't wait to show you all my results. I'm dedicated and determined, gotta be healthy for myself, my husband and our family! I have a long life to live and I'm ready to embrace it all! See you tomorrow and wish me luck!

Love Always
MissPikachuification <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Gengar Within

This is sincerely how I have been feeling for the past summer. Like some type of evil is trying to consume my soul and destroy the goodness in me. I've had one hell of a month. From living in a dream land getting married in June to someone having to fuck it all up for me. Go figure that particular person has to be a part of my new family. Aside from that I had so much stress with school and work that I became a very irritable person. But you know what? It was all worth it in the end, I helped my Dad with work, I kept up with our bills and they're paid to date, and I got to visit with the people that mean most to me. So I guess summer wasn't all that bad, just the bad seemed to over power the good till now. Today I finished my final Spanish course and I can take it easy for the next 3 weeks aside from going to work. Who knew this gringa could speak "proper" Spanish lol. My plans for my mini vacation are to spend time with my husband, hiking, biking, working out, playing Pokemon Video Games, and visiting with my family and friends. I love my family :0) I thank God that he kept the inner Pika in me alive because without it I would just be a big grump. To all my Pika's out there, don't lose the faith! Hard times will come and go just take what you can from it and keep going! See you all next time!

Love Always,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

This Pika needs a PokeCenter

This Pika needs a Super Potion. Went through some of the worst pain I have felt in a very long while. Woke up day before yesterday at 1am screaming with stomach pain. My husband took me to the hospital and I didn't get out of there for 6 hours :( I feel upset at myself for missing work and school but I just couldn't handle it. I'm returning to work tomorrow along with making up an exam that I had missed after class on Monday. Boy have we had the weirdest luck. From Mario losing his financial aid to me getting sick to just trying to make it in life. I have realized that my health really depends on me. I need to get healthy and get better otherwise I am no use to others nor myself. I don't need everything to mess up just because I am not feeling well. It's time to take care of this and the right way. I thank everyone for their support and their well wishes. Without my family, friends, and my love I don't know what I would do. Hopefully the next time I blog ladies and gents, I'll feel 100% better! Good night all and see you next time.

Love always

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Married Pika Life

So here we are my dear Pika fans! My new life has officially begun. I am officially married to the man I love the most in this world and I couldn't be happier! I know that marriage isn't all the glitz and the glamour it's made up to be but I'm not your average wife. Before I became "wife" I was "girlfriend." Before I was "girlfriend," I was Amber Jade Fleming. I have learned to become the woman I am today through my trials, mistakes, and memories. I am not your average woman, I have grown to be strong, independent and most of all not a big ass control freak. At one point in my life I was but now I have realized that you can't control things in life they just happen and when they do you deal with them. The picture above signifies MY family. And no I'm not pregnant but this picture symbolizes me and my husband along with a little one of our own one day. As of right now I am a married college student who hasn't finished her BA yet thus for I do not want children. We want a stable life, income, and most of all a home to raise our children in; not a stupid campus apartment. I want to be a mother but for now I want to concentrate on being a wife, daughter, and granddaughter. So for all those out there with speculations either you take my word for it or get lost cause I am happy and a Benavidez ;D Sweet dreams my dear loved ones. May tomorrow be as wonderful as it was today. 


Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Enlightenment, New Life, New Adventure!

SOOOO...... Hi! Miss Pikachuification here coming back at you! Some even more recent turn of events have enlightened my heart and created an entire world perspective with little tiny me in it. My grandma recently went into the hospital last Thursday with an abnormal heart rhythm. The abnormal heart rhythm turned into her needing a triple bypass surgery. Grammy went through the surgery on Tuesday morning at 11:30am. That was the worse feeling looking into her eyes not knowing if she is going to come out okay or not. I was heart broken for days leading up to the surgery. I felt like my other mother was on her death bed and I would have done anything to trade places with her. Along side me was my mother whom I am so grateful for. Without her, my love Mario and my family, I don't know what I would have done. Grandma came out of surgery well! And now she's walking, talking, and eating solid food along with her dialysis. Grammy has shown me how to be strong, she is a fighter and she sure raised one! I have realized as long as you have people who love you and care for you, you'll be okay no matter what.

I have now come to realize who has been along my side in this adventure of mine. My other half, my pika to my chu, my Mario. Me and him have a connection on a completely different level! Two years and we're standing strong but this doesn't mean we don't have our flaws or fight, not at all. We just get a long much better than some people who have been together for years and years. We have finally made a decision that I believe it beyond anything we both have ever done in our life. Soon to reveal so stayed tuned my dear friends! I'm off on another adventure of Spanish I and Spanish II along with Zumba classes and Clerk work! I'll be back soon!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Feeling a little like Larry Crowne

So last night I was very depressed over certain current events that have been going on. I decided to turn the tv on to HBO and a movie, I believe it was called Larry Crowne, came on. Watching this movie lifted my spirits about my current college situation. Before the movie, I hated college and where I am now in it. I couldn't stand how much political bullshit goes into trying to better myself and get an education. Along with my apartment manager harassing me and school not going so well I have been feeling lost. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm hoping to see that light very soon. I have currently found and apartment off campus and hoping the apartment managers will accept the applications that way I can secure the apartment with a deposit. I know I have to keep the love for my profession alive and the way I am going to do that is by making a home of my very own. No more of this religious, discriminating shit that I have been receiving from the "apartment manager" just because I believe in birth control and waiting to get married. I'm sorry but this free spirit wants to be free for a little while longer and when I am ready to support a child that's when I will have one. So to the entire population out there, this Pikachu is different and is seeking out a better life. I hope that this journey and hard work of mine will lead me to that. Signing off for now dear Pika fans, love always!

Always and Forever,
Miss Pikachuification

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Introducing MissPikachuificaiton

Something truly inspired me today. The song Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers came up on my IPOD and made me think, "This song makes sense for my life." California has a beautiful place in my heart and always will but going back to that place just wouldn't make any type of sense for me. It's a life that I would have lived but I would have gone down a path that consisted of uncertainty and hatred. No degree, no job, no friends, no life of my own to cradle in my arms. No memories... I will never regret any type of decision in my life and I truly mean that. But when you think of California, you think about the glitz and the glamour. It's all one big illusion, something that will make you think you could be happy but you know deep down you won't. In not choosing that path I have gone down another road that has enlightened me and has given me one big giant breath of fresh air. My heart is full and my spirit feels free to do what ever it wishes. I have made new friends which I will cherish forever, I have a profession that I love and all the memories I can hold on to when ever I get the damn money to print them off my dang phone. I have reconnected with long lost friends and loved ones. So now I introduce to you the newest version of Pika..... MissPikachuificaiton. I hope you all can come to understand and realize how much this means to me. Tomorrow is a new day but I'll be taking it one step at a time. Goodnight all, see you on the flipside <3

Love Always

Miss Pikachuification <3

"Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breed creation. And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar they're just another good vibration" -Red Hot Chili Peppers 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Pissed Off Pika

Yes ladies and gentlemen it was that kind of day. The day that makes you ask yourself why do I care so much? Well I guess it's because teaching has become my passion and is my soon to be career. I just don't understand why some people would take up the responsibility to educate kids when it seems like all they ever get is frustrated with them. Yes kids are hard, yes they need a lot of a attention but isn't that what people in this profession know before they go into it? Who knows the answer. Oh well. It's something to make me say, "This definitely goes into my book of what shit not to do."

Signing Off For Now

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pikachu, I FINALLY Choose You

So, here I am about 12 years later still talking about how much I love Pokemon. Some may find me childish, some may find me odd, but hell I finally just don't give a shit. I find myself constantly relating back to this time in my life because it was what got me through the good and the bad. I am BEYOND thankful for that. Pikachu's character was not only the mascot for the wonderful world of Pokemon but became the true heart and spirit of what life actually means. Crazy idea right? Not for me. He represents the light when there is darkness, he's the ying to my yang, the friend who is always there saying, "Hold On!" Well Pika, I held on therefore I am who I am today. I am this generations Pikachu. I am the one who will always be there for you when you're in need. I'm the light at the end of the tunnel. I am the one telling you to hold on because I did! So everyone I am more than happy to introduce myself. My name is Amber (Pikachu) Jade Fleming. I am the woman I've always wanted to be and more. Follow me on this journey of a blog that I now call home. A place to write my wildest stories and hope to inspire those to think outside the box! Goodnight dear friends, see you tomorrow.

Signing Off

P.S: The HPIC is back! Head Pika In Charge!