Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pika's on a Health Kick!

Time to eat healthy! This Pika wants to get in shape and be in good health! Lately I have been hitting the gym along with hiking Hermit's Peak in Gallinas, NM. I looked at myself in the mirror today and I felt so much more confident and lively. My goal is to lose 40lbs before I begin my student teaching this coming spring. So the pressure is on my dear Pika fans. It's not so much just losing the lbs it's about losing the body fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Before I lost 10lbs I was beyond sluggish and exhausted all the time. Now that the weight has dropped I feel more upbeat and ready for the day, well sometimes lol. I'm excited to start this journey and can't wait to show you all my results. I'm dedicated and determined, gotta be healthy for myself, my husband and our family! I have a long life to live and I'm ready to embrace it all! See you tomorrow and wish me luck!

Love Always
MissPikachuification <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Gengar Within

This is sincerely how I have been feeling for the past summer. Like some type of evil is trying to consume my soul and destroy the goodness in me. I've had one hell of a month. From living in a dream land getting married in June to someone having to fuck it all up for me. Go figure that particular person has to be a part of my new family. Aside from that I had so much stress with school and work that I became a very irritable person. But you know what? It was all worth it in the end, I helped my Dad with work, I kept up with our bills and they're paid to date, and I got to visit with the people that mean most to me. So I guess summer wasn't all that bad, just the bad seemed to over power the good till now. Today I finished my final Spanish course and I can take it easy for the next 3 weeks aside from going to work. Who knew this gringa could speak "proper" Spanish lol. My plans for my mini vacation are to spend time with my husband, hiking, biking, working out, playing Pokemon Video Games, and visiting with my family and friends. I love my family :0) I thank God that he kept the inner Pika in me alive because without it I would just be a big grump. To all my Pika's out there, don't lose the faith! Hard times will come and go just take what you can from it and keep going! See you all next time!

Love Always,