Sunday, April 29, 2012

Feeling a little like Larry Crowne

So last night I was very depressed over certain current events that have been going on. I decided to turn the tv on to HBO and a movie, I believe it was called Larry Crowne, came on. Watching this movie lifted my spirits about my current college situation. Before the movie, I hated college and where I am now in it. I couldn't stand how much political bullshit goes into trying to better myself and get an education. Along with my apartment manager harassing me and school not going so well I have been feeling lost. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm hoping to see that light very soon. I have currently found and apartment off campus and hoping the apartment managers will accept the applications that way I can secure the apartment with a deposit. I know I have to keep the love for my profession alive and the way I am going to do that is by making a home of my very own. No more of this religious, discriminating shit that I have been receiving from the "apartment manager" just because I believe in birth control and waiting to get married. I'm sorry but this free spirit wants to be free for a little while longer and when I am ready to support a child that's when I will have one. So to the entire population out there, this Pikachu is different and is seeking out a better life. I hope that this journey and hard work of mine will lead me to that. Signing off for now dear Pika fans, love always!

Always and Forever,
Miss Pikachuification

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Introducing MissPikachuificaiton

Something truly inspired me today. The song Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers came up on my IPOD and made me think, "This song makes sense for my life." California has a beautiful place in my heart and always will but going back to that place just wouldn't make any type of sense for me. It's a life that I would have lived but I would have gone down a path that consisted of uncertainty and hatred. No degree, no job, no friends, no life of my own to cradle in my arms. No memories... I will never regret any type of decision in my life and I truly mean that. But when you think of California, you think about the glitz and the glamour. It's all one big illusion, something that will make you think you could be happy but you know deep down you won't. In not choosing that path I have gone down another road that has enlightened me and has given me one big giant breath of fresh air. My heart is full and my spirit feels free to do what ever it wishes. I have made new friends which I will cherish forever, I have a profession that I love and all the memories I can hold on to when ever I get the damn money to print them off my dang phone. I have reconnected with long lost friends and loved ones. So now I introduce to you the newest version of Pika..... MissPikachuificaiton. I hope you all can come to understand and realize how much this means to me. Tomorrow is a new day but I'll be taking it one step at a time. Goodnight all, see you on the flipside <3

Love Always

Miss Pikachuification <3

"Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breed creation. And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar they're just another good vibration" -Red Hot Chili Peppers