Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Married Pika Life

So here we are my dear Pika fans! My new life has officially begun. I am officially married to the man I love the most in this world and I couldn't be happier! I know that marriage isn't all the glitz and the glamour it's made up to be but I'm not your average wife. Before I became "wife" I was "girlfriend." Before I was "girlfriend," I was Amber Jade Fleming. I have learned to become the woman I am today through my trials, mistakes, and memories. I am not your average woman, I have grown to be strong, independent and most of all not a big ass control freak. At one point in my life I was but now I have realized that you can't control things in life they just happen and when they do you deal with them. The picture above signifies MY family. And no I'm not pregnant but this picture symbolizes me and my husband along with a little one of our own one day. As of right now I am a married college student who hasn't finished her BA yet thus for I do not want children. We want a stable life, income, and most of all a home to raise our children in; not a stupid campus apartment. I want to be a mother but for now I want to concentrate on being a wife, daughter, and granddaughter. So for all those out there with speculations either you take my word for it or get lost cause I am happy and a Benavidez ;D Sweet dreams my dear loved ones. May tomorrow be as wonderful as it was today. 


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