Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Enlightenment, New Life, New Adventure!

SOOOO...... Hi! Miss Pikachuification here coming back at you! Some even more recent turn of events have enlightened my heart and created an entire world perspective with little tiny me in it. My grandma recently went into the hospital last Thursday with an abnormal heart rhythm. The abnormal heart rhythm turned into her needing a triple bypass surgery. Grammy went through the surgery on Tuesday morning at 11:30am. That was the worse feeling looking into her eyes not knowing if she is going to come out okay or not. I was heart broken for days leading up to the surgery. I felt like my other mother was on her death bed and I would have done anything to trade places with her. Along side me was my mother whom I am so grateful for. Without her, my love Mario and my family, I don't know what I would have done. Grandma came out of surgery well! And now she's walking, talking, and eating solid food along with her dialysis. Grammy has shown me how to be strong, she is a fighter and she sure raised one! I have realized as long as you have people who love you and care for you, you'll be okay no matter what.

I have now come to realize who has been along my side in this adventure of mine. My other half, my pika to my chu, my Mario. Me and him have a connection on a completely different level! Two years and we're standing strong but this doesn't mean we don't have our flaws or fight, not at all. We just get a long much better than some people who have been together for years and years. We have finally made a decision that I believe it beyond anything we both have ever done in our life. Soon to reveal so stayed tuned my dear friends! I'm off on another adventure of Spanish I and Spanish II along with Zumba classes and Clerk work! I'll be back soon!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification

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