Sunday, August 26, 2012

This Pika Needs a Better Groomer!!

So lately this Pika has felt the need to feel extremely embarrassed of her hair. I use to have such long beautiful locks until I got a wild hair up my ass to cut it. I didn't cut it much so it grew back ten times as healthy and fast. Two years ago I wanted to get my hair re layered because the layers had already grew out. Never would I have ever known that this would be the worst mistake. Two years later today my hair has not grown out an inch. It actually seems even shorter to me now but that might just be my insecurities taking over. I have finally decided to take a 30 days challenge in which I will not use any styling tools on my hair, aside from my bangs because not matter how much I damage those suckers they seem to grow back fast. I will not apply any heat to my hair for 30 days, this includes the crown and the length of my hair. I pray by doing this and taking daily multivitamins including Biotin which is great for nail and hair growth, will help my hair get back into tip top shape. Along with my daily exercise which I am totally kick ass on, and drinking a lot of water, I feel this will be a great experience for me and my health. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help with my hair growth. I would love to hear from you my adoring Pikachu fans! You're opinions mean a lot to me because if you weren't reading, then all this wouldn't be worth my while. Miss Pikachuification needs help!!!! SOS! See you soon Pika fans!!!

Love Always,
Miss Pikachuification 

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking Biotin too. I think it's really helping with my nails. If you brush a lot that helps also by pulling down the oils. Shampooing every other day is good too.
