Saturday, August 11, 2012

This Pika Ain't Nobody's Bitch!

Haven't you ever just wondered what goes through a selfish person's mind? What makes them so power hungry and why don't they realize what they are doing? I've been asking myself this for a while now and the only answer I can come up with is they like to feel as if everyone around them is beneath them whether it be a work status, money status, etc. They're just power driven people. I don't understand it. I have been tossed and thrown back and forth at work and believe me I'm getting pretty damn tired of it. I am a work study student, which means I don't do major work, but that all changed. I have been isolated from my co workers, I have been told not to speak to others for the fear of getting in "trouble." Honestly I am not some 12 year old girl to be pushed around. Also it's one thing for them to tell me what to do but it's another to tell my family what to do. Now that just blew my top, you do not fuck with my family. I have come to the conclusion that this town has very few good people and a shit load of ugly, nasty, horrible, rude people. I hope I can find my way through this last year of college because I'm starting to have that I don't give a fuck attitude with everyone who gets in my way. Is that bad? This Pika doesn't seem to think so. Keep me in your thoughts Pika fans, I would really love some advice especially now that I need it. The next time you read my blog, I will have changed this situation and let's see how it turns out. See you next time!

Love Always,


  1. Awe Miss P. :-( You need a serious pick me up. Things are totally lame right now but will get better soon. Lets have a night out celebrating our very last year of college yes? Cheer up!

  2. I really need a huge pick me up! Thanks Ms. A for commenting at least I know someone is listening out there! Yes we need to celebrate our last year of college and your semester of student teaching! Congrats! Hope to see you soon have a great day at school!
